Thursday, March 12, 2015

Nuclear energy

                                               The Crucible

            A symbol is an object, action or event that represents something or that creates a range of associations beyond itself. In the story of the Crucible I think that the symbols are being truthful and obsessed.
          In this story about 19 people had died because a group of girls had lied in a court of law. They had been practicing witch craft in the woods. They got caught red handed and instead of admitting to it they blamed other people. People had noticed that some girls had been acting weird and the girls blamed innocent people for their weird behavior. In doing this they got a lot of people killed. In my mind another reason for the killings was because of Abigail Williams was in love with John Proctor. She was upset because his wife kicked her out the house. She later became obsessed with being with him. She’ll do whatever it takes to be with him even if that’s means accusing his wife of witch craft. One day she and John meet each other in the woods, and she tries to have sex with him with but he pushes her off of him saying that they’ll never be together and that she better not accuse his wife. Later that day she runs into the courts with a needle inside her blaming Procter’s wife’s spirits made her do it.
          At the start of the story you see Abigail drink blood from a bird. It very disturbing for 10 year Betty Parris. It frightens everyone in the village. People thought that the devil surrounded the town. The girls sent many people to court falsely accusing them of witch craft. The girls had banded together and promise each other that they wouldn’t tell. If one were to tell the group would kill them without thinking twice. They came up with lies and pretended that they were been taken over by the devil in court so that the men would believe them.
       Eventually the time came for the executions of people. But soon people got tired of seeing hangings. So people kept away from the girls as much as possible. It seemed as everybody knew that the girls were lying. Everyone but the courts. That all changed when John Proctors wife was on trial. John fought for his wife’s freedom he knew the reason for the lies. He even admitted to sin. He was later sent to jail for also being accused of witch craft. While in jail Abigail breaks in his cell and tells him to come with her. John’s response was I see you in hell. She then goes missing.
        Soon the town finds out about her leaving, they all see the truth of her lies but they need someone to confess to her lies. They turn to John but he refuses saying that his name wouldn’t be in shame because of the courts that sent many innocent people to their deaths. In a way Abigail is the one that loses in this story she becomes the hated liar and she lost the love of her life

MJ essay

                                           Michael Jordan

     What this story is saying is that hard work does pay off. Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player that will ever live hands down. Being cut from the varsity basketball team in high school lit a fire in him it made him work harder. He wanted to be perfect at everything and he was he hated loosing.

      Being cut had devastated him his mother told him that he need to discipline himself. He did discipline himself and some more. Before school he would go to the park and practice as much as he could. For Jordan failure wasn’t an option what so ever.
      Wise man once said that it’s a good thing it’s a good thing to be a great athlete but it’s an amazing thing to be a smart and great athlete. Once you learn all you can about the sport you love you start noticing that it becomes easier. You’re able to point out weaknesses and you’re even more comfortable with your game. As long as you have a passion for the passion you’re going to keep working towards getting better at what you love.
     Passion for sports becomes so strong that you hate to see people just playing the sport just to play. You want to play with people that want to win just as much as you do. If you play with people like that you notice that you’ll develop low tolerance for them unlike the people that share the same passion as you. You notice how good you’ve become and how far you came to be where you are now.
      I can understand where Jordan is coming from winning is everything it can separate you from being great or just being the person the team that couldn’t get the job done. When it’s all said and done it’s about how you’ll be remembered. For Jordan it was simple he was a winner. He never lost in the NBA finals now that’s greatness. He is the symbol for greatness at its best.
       For him being cut must have had him feeling as if he wasn’t good enough. I understand where these feelings must have come from. Because this past football season my coach told me that it would be for me to play JV. I took that as a sign of disrespect I still do, I always will that’s something that I’ll never forget. It hurt because he was the reason for us having such a horrible season in the 1st place. I know for a fact that I’m a good player I just wasn’t given the chance to show it. I prove it in spring and in the summer but I guess it wasn’t good enough. That has me eager to get on the field and prove what I can do. I have a lot of pent up anger inside me that I have to let out. But I am working to become a player and teammate. Plus we have Coach Cox back so we should have a good season and actually win some games this year. Like Jordan to me loosing is unacceptable. But like Jordan says ‘I’ve failed over and over and over again and that’s why I succeed

civil disobedience

                                          Civil disobedience
    Civil disobedience can be a lot of different things. Such as non-violent protest, communication or conscientiousness. Civil disobedience act would include people such as Martin Luther King Jr, Henry David Thoreau and Mohandas Gandhi. These men lead in tons of civil acts. They stood up for what they beveled in and nothing was going to stop them.
     For example Henry David Thoreau was a man that thought the U.S Mexican war wasn’t a good idea. He thought that the war was only going on because America wanted to expand its slave trade. So he decided not to pay his taxes. He was then thrown in jail. Many people offered to pay his taxes for him but he refused all offers do he spent a couple of more days in jail. While in jail he starts writing “Witness the present Mexican war the work of comparatively a few individuals using the standing government as their too I for. In the outset, the people would not have consented to this measure”. In this quote I believe that he is saying that the government is lying to its own people. The government is telling the people what they want to hear cause if they don’t the citizens won’t pay their taxes. Cause for them it’s all about money. The government understands that Mexico is in the way of turning the U.S into a gold mine. More land means more slaves mean more plantations, with more plantations being made means there’s more money to be made.” To hear what gross things the townsmen say” I should like to have them order me out to help put down the insurrection of slaves”. He doesn’t like the fact that the government can just lie to the people. Then he says that he’s paid no tax total in 6 years. Even though it’s against the law to not pay your taxes it’s still a non-violent situation. That how Henry David Thoreau known for his civil disobedience.

        Another example of civil disobedience would be Mohandas K. Gandhi. His way of civil disobedience was being peaceful and non-violent. You basically stood your ground but you couldn’t react in a way that showed violence towards the people that were against you. “We will gladly die and will not so much as touch you”. Gandhi’s civil disobedience act was against British rule. He wanted India to have its own independence. He is now considered the father of India. He was thrown in jail many times for his protest. His followers were frustrated and they asked him if they could act on it. Gandhi always told his followers violence is not the answer, India had to gain its independence in a non-violent fashion. Gandhi had also fought to ease religious tensions between Muslims and Hindus. “But so long as there is life in our bones, we will never comply with your arbitrary laws”. I believe that this means that no matter how many you beat or kill it will not affect how we go about our protest. Gandhi did this in a way that people had never seen. He did it in a non-violent civil disobedient way. He wanted peace with all people and eventually he got it. India had finally gained its independence. Gandhi did it without throwing a punch. Through all the beatings he took he stayed true to his word.

       My last example of civil disobedience is Martin Luther King Jr during the civil rights movement. Like Gandhi King wanted to do things in a peaceful way. Even though he had people like Malcom X going against his teachings. Malcom unlike Martin said that people have the right to defend themselves if necessary and that being peaceful wouldn’t solve anything. Martin on the other hand wanted to go in a different direction he learned his non-violent ways from Gandhi. “The answer is found in the front that there are two types of laws just and unjust laws.” People of colored race were treated much different than whites. There were different bathrooms, stores and even schools. If you were caught somewhere were you shouldn’t have been you could’ve been beaten or thrown in jail they would even kill you if they felt like it. This was when the KKK had struck a lot of fear into blacks. “Throughout the state of Alabama all types of conniving methods are used to prevent blacks from becoming registered voters”. Whites back then tried everything they could to keep black people out of power. Almost all blacks didn’t think it was fair that they were being treated like crap. The 1st amendment privilege of peaceful assembly and peaceful protest, then it becomes unjust. Whites didn’t even like the fact that King was doing protest against segregation. In doing this King showed that he wasn’t scared, because he wasn’t doing anything wrong at all. What he did was an amazing act of civil disobedience.