Wednesday, May 27, 2015

                                                      How it feels to be football me

          I am an athlete. I'm someone that loves the game of football. I'm someone that will do anything to be around the game. That even means rewinding past games just to point out details of what's going on during the play, I'll even point out mistakes. As time has passed football has become more than just a game to me. I love talking about it. I always keep up to date with what's going on in the NFL, college and even high school. But there are a couple of things that I don't like about high school sports. I disagree with mostly everything that goes on. I feel that not enough public schools get enough attention that most deserve. Private schools get a lot of there players into colleges off of football scholarship. Even those that don't play usually get a scholarship 1st before a kid that has play 4 years of varsity football. Most kids are basically handed scholarships without even playing a down of varsity football. Then when they get to college some wont live up to all the hype, so basically its a waist of a scholarship. But that's just my opinion on the situation. As greats say football shows true character. That quiet kid may seem soft off the field but as soon as they put on a helmet and shoulder pads that all changes. All that built up anger can come out. Making a big hit or even getting hit is enough to get me pumped up. I get a zone that's hard to explain. You don't hear anything outside the field, you feel the cold wind you got sweat on you sometimes even blood your all roughed up.

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